the Canadian Peace Initiative :: a Campaign to Establish a Federal Department of Peace

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Two new books discuss a Department of Peace

added August 19th, 2019

two new books on department of peace

In 2017, the world spent all time high $1.7 trillion on its uniformed fighters. That’s equivalent to about a thousand dollars per family on the planet. Yet all these weapons have not made the world less violent.

A new book by Vijay Mehta, How Not to Go to War: Establishing Departments for Peace and Peace Centres Worldwide, asks: “How can peace be institutionalised?”

The book argues that “For every department of defence, there needs to be a department of peace that allocates public resources to forestall violence and militarism, by measures of pre-emptive conflict resolution rather than waiting for it to occur and then deploying violence against it. Such departments of peace will be distinct from foreign and development ministries, compromised as they are by espionage, export-promotion and securitisation of aid. By opening peace / social centres / franchises, in each city, town and village, the Peace Department can contain violence and foster a culture of peace.”

The book argues that the establishment of Departments of Peace can lead to saving of trillions of dollars.

Listen to an interview about the book Order the book:

Another new book Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division shares practical tips, stories, and research about peacebuilding at the grassroots and beyond. Primarily focused on evidence-based strategies for building healthier relationships in an increasingly polarized world, the last section of the book focuses more specifically on international peace issues. It discusses the need for new creative approaches to mediation, peace education, civilian protection in armed conflicts, and other war prevention measures. It mentions the potential of a Department of Peace to coordinate and pursue such activities with a heavy focus on acting early and in a coordinated way to prevent wars. Rather than focus on the problems, Are We Done Fighting? lifts up actions each of us can take in our day to day lives to help spread peace.

Watch the one minute video trailer below and find out more and order via the book’s website